Saturday, December 23, 2006

How much I'd like to know....

I've never truly appreciated the benefits that I get from the simple things in life. Be it the strenght after waking up from a good night's sleep or how quenched my thirst is after a nice long drink of water.The daily routines in our lives may seem so boring and so familiar,that everything we do seems so ordinary.I feel like I never get to do anything outrageous and new when I'm at home.It always feels like I've got nothing better to do in life,like life isn't as interesting as it could be if I wasn't stuck in one place all the time.

Then I start to wonder,would I be thinking the same thing I am now,if I were in someone elses shoes?Would everything seem so insignificant?so used up in a sense?So here's a poem that just popped in my head...
Sitting on my window seat,
Staring out in space.
I look out the window,
Searching for some unknown fate.
Everything seems the same,
As it was 5 years ago.
Nothing out of place,
Nothing we don't already know.
Then I think aloud and say,
"I need to have more faith,
That my God has a plan for me,
That will make me be real great."
Things are not exactly the same,
As they were 5 years ago.
Just look at me right now,
I'm no longer 10,anymore.

1 people who make me smile.:

Kateh said...

colourful.. with poetry..

yay elena. :D merry christmas!!!!!!

xoxo katie