Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!!!

Well,since it's the 1st of January,I'll just do a really obvious post regarding the new year by listing down my New Year's Resolutions.

1. Better relationship with my family.(Not that it's bad now,I just know it can get a lot better.)

2. Having amazing experiences and meeting new people in CG and church,as well as getting to know people better than I already do.

3. Having a closer and more intimate relationship with God.

4. Hoping I can juggle all my responsibilities and NOT break down trying.

5. Do well for SPM,whatever well means to me. (Haha.)

6. Get my driver's license at the END OF THE YEAR. (Shucks,why wasn't I born earlier in the year??)

7. Take more photos of the things I hold dear,collect more 'holdable' memories.

8. Maintain all my current friendships and improve them.

9. Write more.

10. Move into my new house and hopefully manage to decorate my room and make it look cool.

11. Save more money so that I don't have to be stingy at the end of the year.

Hmmm,right now that's all I can think of.So, I'll say Goodnight here.Goodnight!=]

0 people who make me smile.: