Wednesday, August 1, 2007


One thing I've always loved is seeing people be with their siblings.You get to see that special bond formed between them is such a welcoming sight.Even if the person doesn't have a sibling,you see that bond,that connection between that person and his/her really close friend.Of course,nothing can give you the exact same feeling you get when you're with your real sibling,but that special relationship with your friends are something amazing as well.I'm not close to all my siblings.I have 3 younger siblings by the way.I'm the eldest of us 4.I'm especially close to my brother,Brian,who is right after me.Amelia,my sister after Brian really looks up to me.I can tell by the way she's always asking me for advice with her schoolwork,what activities she should join in school and what she should be doing on that day.It's easier talking to Brian since our age gap is smaller and he's going through a lot of things I've already gone through with my parents.That helps me be more understanding towards what he's facing now,and it's easier to help him as well.I love the fact that he isn't shy to hug me or show affection in public.Sometimes I need to nudge him for a hug,but most days he gives them willingly. =P My sister is more of the baby in the family than my youngest brother,Farrel is.Farrel is very independent.He's the only one out of 4 of us who didn't cry on our first day of kindergarten.He's really sociable and makes friends easily.He can be quite irritating sometimes as well.He's outspokenness intimidates his classmates sometimes.My naughty brother is only 7,and he's already kissed 3 girls his age.Such a nonsense. =P Amelia on the other hand,is the shy,conservative type of girl.She can be really sweet when she wants to,but when she's mad,it's like World War 3 is here.She's extremely smart and hardworking,she's also really good in sports,like me!!!=P Hahahaha...all my siblings are really good at sports actually.I love them all really really really much.We do quarrel and fight sometimes,but it's never made our relationship with one another waver ,instead,it's made us so much closer to each other.We're learning more about each other everyday,building our trust towards one another,learning to be more understanding towards each other and loving each other even more everyday.=D

0 people who make me smile.: