Sunday, March 25, 2007

What if?

How often have we looked at a situation in our lives and wondered how things would be now if we had done things differently? I've done it loads of times. I've imagined again and again how my life would be if, I had never met the people I know now, if I've been born in a different family, if my crush was/is a different person. So many situations where things don't seem as 'happening' in a sense as I would like it to be, and yet, I cherish every moment of life that I've already been through. If I hadn't met, for instance, Levina, I probably wouldn't be a Christian now. I'd most probably never know anyone from YC and I might not even be friends with the people I'm friends with now. If I hadn't been born in this family, I'd never get to go through the things I've been through with my family now, the good times and the bad times. Each second with my family is like a memory tree growing and growing each and every day. I wouldn't trade that for anything in the world. And if I don't have a crush on the guy I have a crush on now, errr, I'm not quite sure about this actually. Well, no matter what I've been through and will go through, I believe they all happen for a reason. God doesn't just put us in the places we are now for no particular reason, or out of boredom or anything like that. Each and every day we go through, He's planning something great and marvelous for us, our family, friends, the whole entire earth. Each day we go through is the foundation and strengthening God wants us to understand and build on for the future He wants for us. I truly believe that I am an important person in God's Kingdom, and you definately are too...

2 people who make me smile.:

Anonymous said...

what if i never met you?...i wouldn't be happy now....would still be depressed....seriously=]

crystalcha28 said...

amen amen... great post babe!!! =) love you lots!